This is the moment hundreds of crazed female shoppers scramble to grab clothes priced at just one pence per item in a department store sale.

Women can can be seen ripping items from each other's hands in a chaotic frenzy to get at the cheap clothes

The incident took place in a Stolitsa shopping centre in the city of Vladikavkaz in the south-western Russian region of North Ossetia-Alania.


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As the shoppers trample and brawl with one another desperate screams can be heard customers shopping trips quickly become full-contact sport. 

According to local media, the clothing store was offering items for 1 RUB (0.01 GBP) and the weekday sale generated huge interest and a long queue had formed outside the shop before it opened its doors.

Reports said that hundreds of excited and 내추럴가든 apparently female shoppers emptied the shop within the first fiv

n<br>. image class="left" url= Shoppers can be seen brawling on the floor, desperate to get a hold of bargain price --- o
gDespite the crazed scenes, 내추럴가든 the shop has promised to hold similar sales --- the co
days.A video of the incident was shared on social media where it was viewed over 80,000 tim --- n the
t day.At one point in the footage, a female shopper is seen grabbing clothes from a woman's hands as she scrambles on her --- es on
floor. image class="left" url= In scenes more akin to a mass brawl shoppers clash as they descend upon

clothi<br>acks The poster accompanied the clip with the message: 'Do you think this i

rmal b<br>iour?'Netizens were also surprised by the scenes, with WordFullOfBeauty commenting: 내추럴가든 'This is terrible comrades.

Is this life today or 내추럴가든 just terrible education? People ar

rowing away thei<br>gnity for rags.'Bekoevalaura said: 'Absolutely inappropriate behaviour. The scenes

so disgusting t<br>I feel ashamed.'
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