Shiatsu massages have become very popular across North America, Europe and Japan but is it legitimate? The question is easy to determine, however it's controversial in some Asian countries. Shiatsu is a non-scientific type of Japanese massage that is based on the basic principles of the traditional Chinese medicine, including the concept of qi (pronounced "Kwee") meridians that are believed to be located in the power lines of the body. The meridians are believed to allow the body to repair itself after being damaged or over-worked caused by external influences.

Shiatsu massage also teaches that the body's skin is a reflection of an individual's thoughts. According to traditional teachings the body is made up of five meridians that are the main ones along which energy flows throughout the body. One of the energy channels is called the Yang flow. If the Yang flow energy is blocked it can cause ailments like back pain, headaches, and tension. There are seven major channels thought to flow through our bodies and each one of them is connected to a particular organ within the body.

Shiatsu uses different methods depending upon what the practitioner has performed. Its goal is to let go of the negative energy that's developed due to blockage of these energy channels. Shiatsu practitioners assert that they can unlock the meridian channels through applying the right pressure. It will also eliminate negative energy. It is important to discuss the techniques thoroughly with patients before they can be applied to them. There are numerous pressures that can be used, including deep tissue, acupressure, and Swedish plus.

Shiatsu massages are often mistaken for traditional Chinese medical practices and can be even thought to be the same thing. But the reality is that both are completely different and can even result in very different outcomes on the patient being treated. Shiatsu (also called Acupressure) is a Japanese traditional Chinese medicine. It's used for many illnesses, like injuries as well as stress. While it is utilized to treat a broad spectrum of illnesses however, it's not like Shiatsu. The technique originated in China and was used over thousands of years. The practice is currently being used in Western countries by different therapists.

Shiatsu massage uses many different methods and hand movements, however there are some elements that are common to each. The massage involves pressing specific areas on the body to treat certain ailments. It includes, for the most part the shoulders and wrists as well as the knees, elbows, feet as well as the legs and fingers. These areas of the body are thought to be connected to various meridians within the body. When they get agitated due to strain or injury the use of shiatsu massage in order to restore harmony and balance to the areas.

At one time, shiatsu therapists were thought to be costly and only professional therapists with lots of experience were able to afford them. Although shiatsu is now much more affordable and accessible however, you can still enjoy a massage. It is possible to find a range of massage parlors that offer shiatsu treatments. There is even a DVD available to teach how to perform the technique. Shiatsu massage has been practiced for many years in Japan, which is where it began to be developed. Nowadays, it's utilized to prevent issues related to injury, stress and illness.

Shiatsu Therapists are educated in Japanese to know how to perform the type of treatment effectively. Most therapists do not have the necessary knowledge of Japanese cultural practices. This is why it's important to be sure your therapist is properly trained in Japanese culture. A therapist can understand your requirements and treat you gently and with respect no whatever the severity of your problem is.

Shiatsu Therapists employ techniques such as finger pressure, hand motions and touching hands with the patient in order to assist in restoring the flow of energy within the body. The aim of Shiatsu therapy is to bring back energy flow and relax the mind. Therapists using Shiatsu use moderate and intense pressure in order to stimulate the various glands and points within the body and to assist in the restoration of the natural equilibrium of the energy levels within the body. Shiatsu massage is a great way to ease tension in the muscles and to promote general healing within the body. It is important to select the therapist who has been certified and has a track experience of getting outcomes.
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