Shiatsu is a form of traditional Japanese herbal medicine. Shiatsu basically uses the energy flow of the body, also known as Ki or Qi ( pronounced chee), to unblock and restore equilibrium. Acupressure points can be used to ease tension and restore harmony. Shiatsu can also be used to ease stress, improve circulation , and improve flexibility.

The two primary components of shiatsu are pressure point treatment and acupressure. Shiatsu practitioners apply pressure to specific pressure points along the Meridian that extends from the fingers upwards to the head. Each pressure point is identified as a meridians, which is the reason Shiatsu therapists must be skilled in treating and diagnosing a patient. As we've mentioned before, acupressure is used to balance and unblock the energy channels along the meridians, also referred to as chakras.

One of the most common diseases treated by Shiatsu is circulatory illnesses. It is easy to see how chi imbalances can affect circulation because the meridians run through all major organs. Blood clots can develop in these channels, leading to swelling, pain, or even rupture of organs. Acupressure, when applied to a specific condition can ease the symptoms and help the sufferer to manage their disease.

Depression is another common ailment treated by Shiatsu. According to Shiatsu practitioners, depression is caused by an imbalance in the mental energy field. This field of mental energy is known as Qi is comprised of a series of energy pathways that run through the body starting from the fingertips, head and shoulders, through every part of the nervous system, and eventually into organs and tissues. When these pathways are imbalanced, mental tension can build and manifest in various ways. Shiatsu therapy has been successfully used to treat some of these ailments.

Shiatsu can be used to treat different medical conditions other than those listed above. If a practitioner feels that an underlying medical condition such as anemia or diabetes, is blocking the flow of energy through the meridian channels and treating the condition may improve circulation. Shiatsu can also be used to treat digestive issues such as diverticulitis and irritable bowel syndrome. Insufficient calcium levels can cause weak muscles and poor coordination. This is why Acupuncture is frequently recommended.

Shiatsu massage can help with the pain and illness. In addition to treating ailments and promoting healing for the client, the various Acupoints on the neck and head aid in easing tension and restore balance to the flow of vital energy. Tension that builds up in these areas can cause problems with the natural healing process. This can lead to discomfort and pain as along with fatigue and anxiety. Utilizing the various points along the neck and the head the tension can be eased and the muscle relax is achieved, and the energy flow is restored to its original state.

Although Shiatsu is sometimes believed to be painful, it's actually painful for the majority of people. However, there are exceptions in the case of pre-existing medical conditions or has a family history of inflammatory diseases. In these cases, a client should check with their doctor before visiting a Shiatsu therapist.

One of the main benefits of a shiatsu massage is the calming effect that follows. Relaxed body and mind makes it easier to handle stress and other problems, which improves one's ability to manage daily stress. Shiatsu therapy has the benefit of not causing damage to the body. This allows the patient to return to their routine activities and function quickly after the session. It is a good idea to find the right therapist to provide this benefit when relaxation is a major benefit of shiatsu massage.

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