Massage therapy and acupuncture are often mistaken as the similar things. Although both use the same principles but they're not exactly the identical. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), also known as Oriental Medicine, is the source of acupuncture. TCM is based on the power of the body's energy, chi, and the life force to treat different ailments. Acupressure is employed to treat various ailments such as pain, allergies, anxiety and depression, stress and many more.

This kind of massage was originally created as a way to treat ailments many thousands of years back. It's still in use even today. Acupressure can be used as a therapeutic massage technique. Acupressure utilizes pressure to release pressure to specific areas of the body. It helps relieve tension, spasms and other kinds of symptoms. You can apply acupressure strokes or techniques to major organs and even muscles. Simply locate the area where pain is intense and start applying acupressure pressure strokes.

Massage and acupuncture both rely on the wisdom of seven meridians in chi that run along the major Meridian. They are found from the feet through the head and back. Each meridians has a distinct character to each zone. Acupressure relies on the pressure points found on these meridians in order to ease discomfort. These energy lines are thought to be filled with a variety of energy.

Acupressure is beneficial for various ailments and illnesses. Acupressure can be used to ease chronic pain such as lower back pain and arthritis. It can also be employed to combat nausea. Many believe that if you massage those suffering from nausea a massage, it will make them feel more relaxed and improve their ability to manage pain. Nausea is a very debilitating condition for anyone suffering from it and wants to eliminate it quickly.

Acupressure can also be utilized to treat stomach issues as well as other ailments. Acupressure sessions are an excellent way to ease cramps swiftly. Women are not recommended to take acupuncture treatment due to the chance of having an allergic reaction after it comes into contact with skin. Professional acupuncture therapists are certified to administer acupuncture treatment for menstrual cramps.

Acupressure and massage can go hand-in hand in helping to relieve pain and other symptoms. Massage stimulates healing, while acupressure therapy is a great way to relieve pain. Acupressure therapy can be utilized to treat people who are sick or tired of taking medicines. Acupressure and medications aren't used together to cause any adverse side effects.

Many patients who don't prefer surgery opt to undergo either massage or acupressure for treatment. They both offer positive results that people desire in terms of pain relief. It is commonly believed that acupuncture can cause negative side consequences. There are no negative feelings or emotions that an individual feels. The emotions can be controlled by a skilled therapist who can enhance their positive impact.

In Chinese medicine there are two major theories regarding the use of this type of treatment. It is thought that acupuncture can speed up the healing process, and another theory claims that it prevents diseases and other problems from happening. Although they are similar, these theories have distinct explanations. This is why the Chinese Medical College in Beijing has been conducting research into these two theories to establish which one is the correct one.

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